This section will useful for STM32 DISCOVERY boards users. Most of the development boards of this series has a built-in ST-Link that can be used for flashing and debugging.

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install autoconf pkg-config libusb-1.0 git
mkdir ~/stlink && cd ~
git clone stlink

3. Build the code from downloaded source

cd ~/stlink

On early versions of ST-Link, you have to perform configure first. A way to check is to see if you have these two files and configure.

  • If you only see both files: ./ && ./configure && make

  • If you only see file configure: ./configure & make

  • If you don't see either of them: make

By default, the make target will be Release. If successful, you should now see a folder build in folder stlink, and a folder Release in folder build . If not, retry this step before proceeding to the next.

cd ~/stlink/build/Release
sudo make install

After this step, you should have the three following STLink tools: st-flash, st-info, st-util

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